
Packages up to 30 kg

Small orders weighing up to 30 kg and with a maximum length of 2.7 m are sent in boxes via courier. The order processing time is usually 2-5 business days. Deliveries are made from Monday to Friday during courier working hours.


Goods that fit on a EURO 120 x 80 pallet and weigh up to 1000 kg are shipped by courier as a pallet shipment. The order processing time is usually 2-5 business days. Upon request, the driver can unload the pallet using a lift and transport it with a pallet truck, provided the unloading takes place on a hardened, flat surface. If the unloading location does not allow the use of a pallet truck (e.g., gravel road, stone path), the driver is not obliged to unload the goods from the vehicle. In this case, the recipient may unload the goods themselves or provide another delivery address where unloading is possible. The buyer bears additional costs associated with redirecting the shipment and re-delivery.

Pallet delivery without unloading

Pallet deliveries of non-standard dimensions (over 1. 2 m long) are carried out in cooperation with an external forwarding company. The approximate delivery time is 3-10 working days from the moment of release of the goods from the warehouse, in exceptional cases the delivery time may be extended and the recipient will be notified by phone or e-mail. Shipments are delivered from Monday to Friday between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, excluding holidays and non-working days. It is not possible to choose the delivery time; the recipient is required to provide a delivery address where individuals prepared for unloading will be available during delivery hours. Delivery dates and delivery times are not binding, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Information regarding the shipment status is provided to the best of our knowledge but without a guarantee of timely delivery of goods.

Due to the dimensions of the shipments, deliveries are made without unloading. The driver delivers the goods only to the specified address, there is no obligation to unload the goods from the car.

The duty of unloading lies with the recipient. If the recipient does not have the equipment to remove the packed goods from the supplier’s car, the pallet should be unpacked on the car and unloaded manually (for the sake of efficiency, it is worth engaging 1-2 people to help; the packages become the property of the recipient). Unloading time should not exceed 30 minutes.

Shipments are delivered by trucks (most often these are so-called solo trucks with a capacity of up to 8t). Therefore, the buyer is obliged to verify the possibility of getting to the indicated address. The seller must be informed of all possible access difficulties (restrictions for vehicles over 3.5t and 8t; narrow streets; no possibility of stopping) before finalizing the order. Failure to provide adequate information may result in a delay in delivery and additional costs associated with the need to reroute the shipment or arrange other transportation.

Damage to goods or shipments

Pallet deliveries

Upon receipt of the shipment, the recipient is obliged to check the goods in the presence of the courier.

Before unpacking the pallet, check the condition of the packaging. If you notice any damage (e.g. tear in the packaging, damage to the carrier, dents, deformation of the packed pallet), immediately report this fact to the driver, who is obliged to write a damage protocol in the presence of the recipient.

The protocol should include the date of delivery and a detailed description of the damage (including damage to the packaging) or deficiencies in the shipment. The protocol must be signed by the courier and the consignee (if the driver does not have a ready form to fill out, the protocol can be written on the waybill). In order to facilitate the later complaint procedure, photo documentation should be made during unloading.

In case of any problems during the acceptance of delivery, please contact the seller.

Courier shipments

The recipient is obliged to check the condition of the shipment before confirming its receipt, in particular, to assess whether the shipment has no damage or defects.

If the shipment is damaged or incomplete, the damage protocol should be written in the presence of the courier and photo documentation (photos of packaging and contents) should be prepared.

DPD carrier allows the recipient to write the protocol without the presence of the courier. Electronic damage protocol is available at

NOTE: If the damage is blatant (visible before unpacking the package, damaged, torn, wet carton, etc.), the protocol must be written on the day of delivery.

If the packaging was intact, and the damage was found after opening the shipment, an electronic damage report must be completed within 5 working days.

Photos and a damage report should be sent to within 5 working days of receipt of the shipment.

If the shipment is at the consignee’s, you must also include a statement waiving the right to file a claim in favor of the sender.

Sending the above-mentioned documentation is a necessary condition for taking into account any claims made by the customer for damage to the shipment in transit.

The information written on the protocol and the date may affect the decision to accept the claim.

Documents to download:

Damage protocol

Statement in favor of the shipper

Additional costs

If the consignee is not prepared for unloading or is absent during delivery, the shipment returns to the carrier and is scheduled for redelivery. The cost of redelivery and/or storage of the shipment shall be borne by the consignee/customer/buyer. The cost of redelivery is 40% of the basic price.

If delivery is impossible due to road restrictions, difficult or impassable road or other factors preventing access, the shipment will be returned to the carrier. In this case, the consignee is obliged to indicate another delivery address where the goods can be delivered or collect the shipment in person from the carrier’s warehouse. The cost of redelivery and/or storage of the goods shall be borne by the buyer.

Any changes to the forwarding order made by the customer/buyer after the shipment is released from the warehouse may incur an additional cost, which may be passed on to the buyer.